How much do you know about testosterone? There are tons of myths claiming too much testosterone can adversely affect your hairline. The truth is, low levels of testosterone are one of the causes of hair loss in adult men. 

We want you to forget about everything you think you know about testosterone. It’s far more than just a sex hormone. Testosterone controls many significant bodily processes, like the production of red blood cells, muscle growth, and fat metabolization. When it dips too low, men can deal with a wide range of mental and physiological health complications.  

Why do we need Testosterone? 

It all starts in the womb. Male infants produce testosterone around the fourth week of gestation and begin developing sex hormones. Right before starting puberty, testosterone levels begin to rise. In early adolescence, it triggers the development of body odor, facial, and body hair. 

Testosterone can even trigger oily acne-prone skin. The sebaceous glands are small gelatinous producers of sebum, the oil we naturally create to protect our skin from infection and stay hydrated. The face has an incredibly high concentration of sebaceous glands surrounding hair follicles. 

Testosterone encourages the glands to create more sebum. If they become too overactive, the oil will clog the pores, resulting in acne.

Testosterone levels spike during puberty to accelerate healthy growth and development. There are tons of physical changes as a result. Men tend to develop more chiseled features like a sharper jawline, brow, and chin.

The body uses testosterone to strengthen the muscles and bones. It creates more neurotransmitters so they can build bulkier muscle tissue along with increasing human growth hormone (HGH) levels. 

When working out, you are essentially breaking down muscle tissue. The muscles form microscopic tears after lifting heavy weights. HGH and testosterone work together to rebuild the muscle tissue, so they are larger and more resilient.

Testosterone is developed in the testes and manages the growth of healthy sperm cells during spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis is a multistep process. If testosterone levels are too low, sperm cells essentially freeze production during the second phase, meiosis. Men need testosterone to produce a fresh batch of sperm every day.

What is Low T? 

Low T can be a difficult, stressful, and confusing experience to navigate. T levels will fluctuate several times during the day and over a lifetime. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), once men reach adulthood, men should have levels between 300-1,000 ng/dL. 

T levels will fluctuate several times during the day and throughout a lifetime. Certain activities like regular exercise and weight lifting can boost levels in men, especially if the workout routine incorporates resistance training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Once T levels drop below 300 ng/dL, men could be diagnosed with low T. 

Various factors can cause testosterone levels in adult males to drop over time. Nutrition is consistently overlooked, but what you eat affects your hormones.

The occasional beer or glass of wine with dinner is OK. But don’t overdo it! In one study, 2 or 3 drinks a day lowered T levels by 6.8% in only three weeks. 

There is also research suggesting ingesting soy can adversely affect hormone levels. Soy-based products like edamame and tofu are composed of plant-based compounds called phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen, the female sex hormone, and lower testosterone levels.

Low T, or hypogonadism, can slow down the metabolism and protein synthesis. Testosterone breaks down the fat and carbohydrates in the food men eat into energy to build proteins. Once T levels are too low, it becomes more difficult to lose weight and build muscle. The body is lacking a vital component for converting the food into essential nutrients, so it accumulates as fat.

Finding Testosterone Therapy in NYC 

It’s no secret that “The Big Apple” is a massive city. There are currently 8.5 million residents from all walks of life currently living in NYC, making it the most densely populated city in the country. With over 28,210 people per square kilometer, there isn’t a shortage of restaurants, museums, and art galleries open around the clock.

There are currently 25 testosterone replacement clinics to deal with the growing interest for testosterone therapy in NYC, including Renew Vitality.

Work with Renew Vitality

With 25 options to choose from, why choose Renew Vitality? We have a team of highly specialized wellness professionals that are dedicated to developing personalized treatment plans for each of our clients. We believe testosterone replacement therapy is multidimensional. Depending on your needs, our wellness plans are customized to meet your unique nutrition and lifestyle goals. 

Our qualified medical professionals will construct a holistic treatment plan that includes a comprehensive workout routine and nutrition plan that matches your lifestyle and your goals. Give us a call to learn about your options.