Testosterone (T) is the primary male sex hormone. It plays a significant role in male sexual health and function. Low testosterone or low T can make it more difficult to develop or maintain erections and lowers sperm count and libido. 

All of these symptoms can, directly and indirectly, affect male fertility later in life. Male infertility is the most frequent reason 20% of couples struggle with fertility and a contributing factor for 30-40% in other cases. According to the American Urological Association, many men with fertility issues have an abnormal semen analysis, which is associated with conditions like low T.

While male infertility is frustrating, in many cases, once the cause is identified, it is reversible with the help of state of the art treatments like testosterone therapy (TT).

Testosterone and Fertility

Spermatogenesis is a complex multi-step process for creating mature male gametes, more commonly called sperm cells. Recently, researchers found that testosterone is an essential component of spermatogenesis and male fertility. It’s required for at least four critical processes during spermatogenesis.

By closely following the reproductive process of mice, scientists found that testosterone affects fertility at the cellular and genetic level. Testosterone binds to androgen receptors in Sertoli cells, commonly referred to as the “nurse” cell of the testes, to support spermatogenesis.

Fertility scientists believe that sperm production exponentially decreases once T levels drop, thus making it more difficult for men to procreate.

Testosterone production is a feedback loop that starts in the brain. The brain produces a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH), which signal the testes to create and secrete more T and support a healthy sperm count. 

The normal sperm count range is between 15 million sperm to 200 million sperm per milliliter (mL). Results that are less than 15 million sperm per milliliter, or 39 million sperm per ejaculate, is considered low. Oligospermia is the medical term for men suffering from a low sperm count and is often associated with an inability to get or maintain an erection or ejaculate at orgasm. 

If men are considering getting testosterone therapy, they should talk with a professional. Testosterone therapy adds bioidentical testosterone to the blood by way of patches, gels, or injections. Sometimes the brain can interpret the rise in T levels during therapy as a sign to stop sending signals to create more sperm.  

Testosterone Therapy and Fertility

Testosterone therapy (TT) is not designed to cure infertility; instead, think of it as a treatment that works with the body to reverse the side effects of low T that make reproduction difficult. TT has helped millions of men boost their sex drive and reverse erectile dysfunction

A hormone replacement expert that specializes in male fertility will normally conduct a blood panel to get a clear picture of testosterone levels. At Renew Vitality, we have all of our clients take a blood panel 48 hours before their consultation so our wellness physicians can review their results and discuss their options during their first meeting.

According to the American Urological Association, adult men should have testosterone levels between 300 ng/dL – 1000 ng/dL. Since testosterone fluctuates several times throughout the day, it’s common for physicians to administer multiple blood panels before arriving at an official diagnosis. If men consistently have levels below 300 ng/dL, then they have low T and can be great candidates for TT.

Testosterone Therapy in Fort Worth Is Within Your Reach

Fort Worth is a fast-growing city. Currently, there are 890,000 residents, and it is projected to continue to expand at a rate of 12% a year. There isn’t a shortage of testosterone centers in the area, with over 110 clinics offering TT. Men need to do their research to make sure they are working with a qualified clinic. 

Recent research found that some TT centers will take advantage of their clients by cutting corners. The American Urological Association found that as many as 25% of men prescribed TT did not receive a blood panel before starting therapy. Diagnosing low T can be tricky. At times, men can display symptoms of low T but have normal results after blood testing.  

Before choosing a clinic, ask if they require testosterone panels throughout treatment. At Renew Vitality, our concierge team of medical professionals closely monitors hormone levels during therapy with blood panels to ensure the treatment is effective and make any necessary adjustments. The American Urological Association found that nearly half of all adult men in TT do not have their levels tested after the start of treatment, which can negatively affect their results.

Meet Renew Vitality

We are a dedicated team of wellness professionals who specialize in male virility and hormonal imbalances. We do things differently than most clinics. Testosterone medication is just one aspect of restoring balance. 

Our Fort Worth team builds a personalized wellness program that harnesses the power exercise and nutrition to support testosterone production. Book a consultation today.