Men, women, and children all require various levels of the hormone testosterone to support healthy growth and development throughout their lifetime. For men, the normal range for testosterone is between 300 ng/dL to 1,000 ng/dL, which means anything below 300 ng/dL is cause for concern.

Researchers believe it’s difficult to know exactly how many men have low testosterone (low T),  but they predict that around 2% of middle-aged men are at risk. According to the American Urological Association, low testosterone (low T), also referred to as hypogonadism, andropause, or testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS), specifically targets adult men as they age. Hormone specialists predict as many as 50% of men over the age of 80 have low T.

Certain medical complications can increase the risk of men developing hormonal deficiencies. In one study, it was reported that while only 6.4% of men with normal weight have low T, 30% of obese men have low T. This finding signals that excess weight adversely affects testosterone production. The same study found that as many as 24.5% of men with diabetes have low T, which is almost double the percentage of low T found in adult males without diabetes.

What are the symptoms of Low T?


According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average adult does not get enough sleep to function properly. Adults between 26 and 64 years old should be sleeping for seven to nine hours each night. It’s normal for men to feel tired the next day if they don’t get enough sleep. However, they should be able to bounce back once they catch up on sleep.

Chronic fatigue is a trademark symptom of low T in which men feel extremely tired no matter how much sleep they get. The common symptoms are feeling a decrease in energy that makes it tough to make it through the day without a nap and loss of motivation to exercise.


Some men are genetically predisposed to premature balding or thinning. Testosterone is one of the key elements for the growth of healthy hair. Hypogonadism can cause hair loss on the crown, chest, back, and groin.


Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. Abnormally low levels can result in several sexual complications. Men with low T report a loss in sexual appetite, which can strain healthy relationships. In a large study following men with an average age of 47, about 28% of the participants who had low T also had low libido.

The source of most issues with creating and sustaining erections is atherosclerosis, a hardening, and narrowing of the arteries. At the microscopic level, if the tiny blood vessels can not dilate and facilitate blood flow to the penis, then men can’t achieve an erection. Low T is linked to atherosclerosis, with as many as one in three men suffering from both ED and low T.

Men use testosterone to sustain a healthy sperm count. Low T often means a low sperm count, which can evolve into temporary or permanent infertility.


Some physicians refer to testosterone as a metabolic hormone, since it’s involved in converting fat, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. The more protein the body can absorb, the easier it is to build muscle and burn fat; low T severely impairs the ability to metabolize protein. Low T is associated with higher levels of body fat, reduced insulin sensitivity, low glucose tolerance, and high cholesterol, all of which are primary factors in weight gain.


Low T can cause men to develop a condition called gynecomastia, which is enlarged breast tissue. Depending on the case, it can affect one or both breasts at the same rate or unevenly. Researchers believe breast glands swell due to an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone levels.

Gynecomastia is often accompanied by tenderness in the breast or chest, swelling, pain, and nipple discharge.

Get Solid Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Dallas

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) bolsters current testosterone levels by using bio-identical synthetic medication to attach to the same androgen receptors as naturally produced testosterone. Clients can begin seeing results in as quickly as 2-5 weeks after the start of the treatment.

Dallas is the 9th largest city in the US and the 3rd largest city in Texas, with 1.3 million residents. The Dallas metropolitan area is one of the fastest-growing in the nation, with 6.8 million residents and over ten clinics offering testosterone replacement therapy, including Renew Vitality.

Maintain Your Vigor with Renew Vitality

Renew Vitality Dallas has been a leading provider of TRT in the Lone Star State since opening its doors in 2011. The staff specializes in treating the root causes of menopause, andropause, thyroid issues, chronic viral infections, weight loss, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia.

Our personalized approach to male health and wellness is unbeatable. While some TRT clinics only spend 5 or 10 minutes with a client before prescribing medications, our physicians spend an hour with each of our clients to learn about their symptoms, health history, short and long term goals.