Testosterone (T) is a primary male sex hormone that’s also found in women and other animals. In men, there are two different types of testosterone; free and bound, both of which are produced in the testes. 

Free testosterone, floats throughout the bloodstream and controls several significant bodily functions like regulating the libido, bone mass, muscle mass, body fat composition, and sperm cells. Bound testosterone is attached to proteins and is virtually inaccessible.

As men age, their T levels can drop. The popularisation of vegan diets has many men wondering if cutting animal products can decrease T levels even more, or help restore balance. At Renew Vitality, we specialize in helping men maintain optimal T levels through designing personalized testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and healthy nutrition changes. 

Studies show the combination of a plant-based diet and the proper medication can sustain optimal T levels and reverse the uncomfortable symptoms of low testosterone (low T).

Common Myths about Veganism and Testosterone

Men need meat to produce testosterone

The nutritional building blocks for building testosterone are protein, carbohydrates, and zinc. There’s a common misconception that meat is the only food that delivers enough protein to build muscle and support healthy testosterone levels. 

Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, black beans, and pinto beans are very high in protein. Lentils contain 18 grams of protein per cooked cup, and most beans contain 15 grams of protein per cooked cup. Working with a hormone expert that specializes in nutrition can help you create a balanced diet that slims the waistline and boosts testosterone.

Eating Soy-based products decreases testosterone and increases estrogen

Soy gets a bad reputation for being closely linked to estrogen. Soy does contain estrogen-like compounds like isoflavones; however, recent studies have found that isoflavones do not impact testosterone levels in adult men. In fact, soy can be an excellent source of protein, which can help men lose weight and increase testosterone.

Plant-Based Foods that Boost Testosterone

Men are diagnosed with low T when their levels fall below 300 ng/dL. The following foods are vegan-friendly, delicious, and increase testosterone levels.

Pumpkin Seeds 

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source for zinc, a mineral that is crucial for promoting healthy T production. In one study, researchers found that just 30 milligrams of zinc increased free testosterone in participants after baseline testing.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains a high percentage (54%) of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs block dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a form of testosterone that has been linked to male pattern baldness and low T

There’s a common misconception that all fat is bad; however, men need saturated fat to produce testosterone. Coconut oil is filled with saturated fats. Men don’t need large amounts of saturated fat to reap the benefits of coconut oil. Shoot for a diet that’s 30% fats, including saturated, unsaturated, and cholesterol, to enhance T levels. 


Stress can wreak havoc on hormonal levels. It tends to raise cortisol levels and decrease T levels over time. Avocado boosts the libido, has healthy fats, and high levels of vitamin B6, a nutrient that lowers cortisol and improves testosterone synthesis.


Pineapple contains bromelain, a protein-digesting enzyme that can sustain current testosterone levels in men who are physically active. Men also experienced a reduction in exercise-induced muscle damage and inflammation. In one study, fifteen highly trained cyclists, across six days of intense competition, took bromelain, and were less fatigued and maintained their T levels.

Get Solid Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Charlotte, NC

For men looking to raise their T levels, a vegan diet can help; however, that is just one necessary component for increasing and stabilizing healthy T levels. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is an FDA approved method for reinforcing testosterone levels in men and women. 

At Renew Vitality, our wellness team designs TRT with a holistic regimen of diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and injectable testosterone supplements to improve T levels. Successful bioidentical TRT compensates for the body’s inability to naturally produce enough testosterone. The medication binds to essential androgen receptors and restores balance.

Charlotte is the largest city in North Carolina with over 870,000 residents. As the third fastest-growing major city in the U.S, research suggests the population will continue to surge by 47% within the next decade. 

By current estimates, Charlotte could have as many as 2.47 million by the year 2030, but there are currently only 11 clinics in the Charlotte metropolitan area offering TRT. Renew Vitality is the first choice for several North Carolina natives over the age of 30.

Maintain Your Vigor with Renew Vitality

At Renew Vitality, our concierge team of medical professionals has decades of experience working with men just like you. Our personalized approach to TRT gives each client individualized attention, starting with collecting their medical history, performing a thorough physical, and a blood panel to find the root cause of a client’s issues. Call today to schedule a consultation with one of our qualified wellness professionals.