When most of us think about hormone imbalances, we think about teenage girls or pregnant women, but did you know it can also affect adult men? As we age, our testosterone levels gradually decrease.
If you’re starting to notice symptoms associated with Low T, you’re not alone. According to the American Urological Association, about 20 percent of men over the age of 60 have low testosterone.
Most men regain their fertility once they stop treatments for a few months. However, saving your sperm before you start specific therapies may be a good idea, just in case you develop permanent infertility.
Mumps orchitis is an infection in the testes that affects many teens and adult men. In some cases, it can damage the testes enough to slow down or virtually stop T production.
What causes Low T?
There are several reasons why men develop Low T. The most significant difference is where the problem originates.
If you’ve been diagnosed with primary hypogonadism, then that means your testes are the source of your dropping levels. Whereas for guys with secondary hypogonadism, the cause of their low T could be hiding somewhere in the brain. Most likely, your pituitary gland or hypothalamus is malfunctioning.
Most of us used to play sports as a kid. Some activities, like tackle football or soccer, can cause us to accidentally damage our testicles. Over time, it can dramatically affect your hormone levels.
Some cancer treatments can hamper your body’s ability to naturally produce testosterone. Chemotherapy and radiation can increase your risk of developing low T. There’s a high correlation between hypogonadism and male cancer patients.
Did you know your testicles actually develop inside your abdomen before you’re born? For most of us, they will eventually travel outside your body. However, sometimes either one or both testicles don’t descend. According to the American Urological Association, around 2 to 3 percent of men experience this at birth.
Typically, they’ll emerge within the first couple of years; however, in some cases, they don’t; which can affect your body’s ability to produce enough testosterone.
There are a few diseases that can cause Low T. Patients with HIV or AIDS tend to experience a dip in hormone levels because their condition attacks the pituitary glands, the hypothalamus, and the testes, which all play a role in keeping your hormone levels stable.
Inflammatory diseases like sarcoidosis and tuberculosis also affect the hypothalamus and pituitary glands and can have the same effect over time.
Realistically any disorders that directly affect your pituitary gland can slow down or possibly halt T level production.
What are my HRT Options?
Once your doctor has conducted a thorough physical examination, reviewed your health history, and run blood tests to determine if you’re hormonal levels are abnormally low, they’ll go over all your options.
There are several ways we can administer testosterone treatments; injections, patches, and gels are the most common choices.
Intermuscular testosterone injections tend to be the safest and most effective option. Typically, you’ll self administer your injection once weekly. Our concierge team will check in on you every few weeks to talk about your progress and answer any questions that arise throughout your journey.
You can apply testosterone patches yourself at home to either your arms, back, abdomen, or buttocks. Make sure you rotate the site every 24 hours and avoid getting it wet for the first 3 hours you apply it. Keep an eye on your patch throughout the day. An intense workout sometimes causes it to loosen.
You may have heard of AndroGel or Testim; two popular gels for men diagnosed with low T. Gels are also applied daily on your shoulders, abdomen, or arms.
There’s always a risk of accidentally administering testosterone to women or children when using products like gels or patches, so while on treatment, take extra precautions. Apply your gel before getting dressed, and wash your hands before and after to limit the risk of exposure.
Are there Hormone Replacement Treatments in Washington, DC?
The nation’s capital is a cultural and historical center, with over 700,000 residents from diverse backgrounds. Even though there are countless museums and monuments, America’s Backyard only has 20 centers for men to receive hormone replacement treatments.
If you’re in Washington. DC and you’re interested in learning more about what HRT can do for you, you’ll want to go to a center you can trust.
Renew Vitality DC is a cut above the rest.
We go above and beyond to offer men personalized care and attention to meet their wellness goals. Our team takes pride in being at the forefront of advancing men’s health and vitality in DC.
What’s the first step?
Book a consultation with us. At Renew Vitality, we have several effective treatment options to restore testosterone levels through hormone replacement therapy. Our HRT replacement experts will develop a comprehensive treatment plan that uses a combination of medicine and lifestyle for long-lasting results.