For many men, our testosterone levels peak in our teens and twenties and begin to gradually decline when we turn 30. According to the Mayo Clinic, our testosterone levels can start dropping by one percent each year.
Low T is actually more common than you may realize. The American Urology Association reported that about 2% of men, about 2 in every 100 adult males, have Low T. If you think you may have Low T, don’t let the stigma keep you from learning more about it.
What is a “Normal” Testosterone Level?
Your testosterone levels will fluctuate throughout your life. They’re at their highest when you’re a teenager, anywhere between 1,000-1,200 ng/dl. It makes sense, seeing that your late teens are a pivotal moment for rapid growth and sexual development.
Why does aging affect our hormone levels? Your adrenal glands and testes regulate how much testosterone you produce. Many scientists note that our adrenal glands and testes gradually become less receptive after our twenties.
Once you hit 30, your T levels begin to drop by about 1 percent each year. But every man is different. For some of us, our testosterone production can start slowing down younger.
According to the American Urological Association, if your levels are lower than 300/ng/Dl, then you’ve got Low T. In some cases, your T levels can dip so low, you can develop hypogonadism, meaning your body is producing little to or no sex hormones.
However, there are several things you can do to either speed up or slow down testosterone decline. For example, stress, depression, excess weight/High BMI, drug/alcohol abuse are common factors that exacerbate low T.
The best ways to improve your levels are to keep your mind and body calm, eating clean, and regular exercise can slow the rate of testosterone depletion. Be diligent about getting enough sleep each night.
Am I a Good Candidate for HRT?
To know if HRT is the best choice for you, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with a medical professional. They’ll run a blood panel to test your hormone levels and see if they are below average. If they are, then HRT could be the solution.
The best candidates are men 30 or older who experience excessive mood swings. Research shows that men with Low T are much more likely to grapple with being irritable and depressed.
Testosterone plays a crucial role in your sex drive. Guys tend to notice a sharp decline in their desire to have sex due to low T. You can even experience erectile dysfunction and a decrease in semen production.
Hair loss is a common effect of aging. However, Low T doesn’t just affect your hairline. It can cause your facial and body hair also to appear thinner and patchy.
Are you having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night? It’s common for hormone fluctuations to make it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep at night.
Usually, when we think about hot flashes, we believe that’s only something women have to go through during menopause, but men with Low T can also experience night sweats.
Some of us can sleep well at night but are still exhausted during the day. Many men say they feel tired all the time and have lost the drive to get to the gym. When we do get to the gym, we don’t see nearly the same results. In fact, we can’t build muscle no matter how many protein drinks we down or reps we do.
When you look in the mirror, your body doesn’t look the same. You notice you’re gaining weight in your midsection and maybe even in your chest.
Can I get Hormone Replacement Therapy in Miami?
Miami is a thriving multicultural city with approximately 470,914 residents. It’s no wonder it’s become a hub for international business, culture, and tourism.
There are over 30 clinics with various hormone replacement treatment services scattered between the Everglades and Biscayne Baye.
With several options to choose from, the issue comes down to vetting, which office is right for you.
Renew Vitality Miami is home to the world-renowned and board-certified Dr. Thierry Jacquemin. He leads an entire team that is dedicated to helping clients optimize their health and wellness. Their approach to hormone imbalance harnesses the power of treatment as well as prevention.
Is it time for you to visit Renew Vitality?
Some of the common symptoms of Low T are low energy levels, depression, hair loss, low libido, and drastic weight loss or weight gain. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should definitely consider scheduling a consultation for a proper diagnosis. We offer a wide range of highly effective hormonal management therapies. Give us a call to learn more!