Estimates link nearly 40% of men over the age of 45 with low T: a deficiency that is often overlooked until side effects arise. Renew Vitality of Miami has a team of skilled care providers who can evaluate you to see if testosterone replacement therapy may be right for you, and can develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Meet Your Anti-Aging Doctor in Miami

Dr. Thierry Jacquemin, D.O. is a board-certified doctor of osteopathic medicine who specializes in internal medicine, cardiometabolic disease prevention, and human performance. Dr. Jacquemin stems from a multicultural background where he became fluent in five languages, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian.

Having completed his residency in 2009 and working as a chief resident for one year after graduation, Dr. Jacquemin then worked as an emergency physician, caring for a wide array of patients with injuries both minor and life-threatening.

In his practice, Dr. Jacquemin places a large emphasis on preventive medicine and optimization, rather than only treating illnesses and their symptoms. Dr. Jacquemin is committed to providing his patients with thorough care, dedicated to ensuring that his work contributes to their overall well-being.

What are the Symptoms of Aging in Men?

The symptoms of aging in men can vary substantially based on genetic and lifestyle factors, but the most common symptoms reported by men are fatigue, sexual problems, low libido, muscle weakness, and weight gain.

One of the more troublesome signs of aging also has the tendency to go unnoticed in the beginning stages. Osteoporosis is a progressive disease that causes the bones to degenerate over time, leaving them weak and prone to breakage. Studies show that men with low T levels have a higher prevalence of osteoporosis and bone weakness as they age.

How Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Help Fight Aging?

A gradual decrease in T serum levels is to be expected as a man ages, even dropping as much as 1-2% each year after 30 years of age. As these levels fall, men may begin to experience symptoms such as sexual problems, weakening of bone and muscle, and increase in body fat.

Fortunately for these men, testosterone replacement therapy can help to reverse these side effects.


One of the most common complaints from men with low T is that they have reduced libido and problems with sexual function. One study on the relationship between libido and testosterone levels in aging men revealed a significant association between libido and T-serum levels, and found that “T supplementation has been associated with increases in sexual functioning, mood, and strength.”


Excess fat deposits, particularly in the abdomen, can decrease testosterone levels over time. This is because stomach fat can trigger the release of female hormones which can affect how much testosterone is produced naturally.

The International Journal of Endocrinology published a study that found that testosterone therapy combined with diet and exercise can increase metabolism, aid in fat loss, and promote natural testosterone production, even after the completion of treatment.

A 56-week study completed by The University of Melbourne found that men with low T levels, lost on average 6.4 more pounds when taking testosterone replacement therapy that participants who didn’t receive supplementary T. Not only does TRT support weight loss, it encourages your body to burn adipose tissue (fat) rather than muscle for energy.


Testosterone therapy can increase muscle mass with regular exercise; this is because T increases the body’s levels of neurotransmitters, which triggers tissue growth and protein synthesis.

When a person gains muscle mass, it speeds up their metabolism which helps to burn more calories whether you’re exercising or resting. Additionally, increased muscle mass coupled with proper diet and exercise can help to reverse muscle weakness associated with low testosterone levels.


Research has linked supplementary testosterone with higher bone density in men with naturally low T levels. Several studies have found that when supplemental testosterone is administered bone density tends to increase, whereas when female hormones were administered, subjects lost bone density.

A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that males with low T over age 65 were almost five times more likely to have a hip fracture than men with higher T levels.


Fatigue, mood swings, and depression are commonly documented in cases of men with low T levels. Low testosterone-induced fatigue oftentimes creates a negative feedback loop – men have no energy to exercise, which then leads to weight gain.

Oftentimes, the extra weight will trigger low self-esteem or depression, which can make a person even more lethargic. Many men report an increase in energy and mood with testosterone replacement therapy; in fact, this is one of the most common reasons men choose TRT.

Starting Your Hormone Exam at Renew Vitality Miami

Here at Renew Vitality Miami, patient care is our number one priority. Our staff works diligently to make the consultation and treatment process as comfortable and stress-free as possible. The consultation process generally only takes between 30-45 minutes and consists of a basic physical evaluation (height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate).

It is recommended that you send in a blood sample 48 hours prior to your consultation, though it is not mandatory. The blood sample will give us an accurate reading of your T-serum levels and help us determine the best course of action for treatment. After your evaluation, we will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan that includes a hormone regimen and a personalized nutrition and exercise program.

If you’re experiencing signs of aging and think it may be due to low T, contact our Miami office today for a comprehensive exam and consultation to see if hormone replacement is right for you. Sign up for a consultation with our wellness professionals to get you back on track to optimal health.